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Foster Care and Attachment

26 February 2021

What is attachment? When we speak about attachment in children, it refers to the bond between someone who needs care and their caregiver. If a child or young person is distressed or in danger, they will look to that attachment figure for help and comfort.  In babies, attachment bonds are formed with the caregiver, no matter how good,…

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Can you Foster as a Single…

27 January 2021

Fostering as a single person presents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of children, offering them a safe, nurturing environment that champions stability and growth. We often get asked the question “can you foster as a single parent” or “can you foster if you live alone”, and the simple answer is yes absolutely.…

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What Happens When a Child Goes…

19 December 2020

If you’re new to fostering and considering a career as a foster carer, you may be wondering what happens when a child goes into care, the reasons for a child going into care, and the process that takes place for a child or young person to end up in the care of a foster family. You may also…

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Fostering Babies – The Facts

29 November 2020

The prospect of fostering babies often conjures an image of caring for a vulnerable, innocent infant - a compelling and heartwarming scenario for many potential foster carers and those looking to become foster carers. The primal instinct to protect and nurture is strong, especially when it comes to newborns and toddlers who are inherently defenceless. However, while the…

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