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Short Break Fostering

What is short break fostering?

Short break fostering is a type of part-time care, similar to respite foster care. Short break carers will look after a child temporarily for a limited amount of time, this may be for a week or two in school holidays, or perhaps on weekends. The care situation will be specific to each individual child. The intention of short break fostering is to give the child’s family or caregivers a break and some time to themselves. 

Why do children have short break care?

As discussed above, short break fostering is intended to provide a “short break” for the child’s caregiver. This is because the child may have a disability or have complex/challenging health and behavioural needs. Caring for a child with complex needs takes a lot of patience, strength, and time and it can sometimes be overwhelming for parents and caregivers as they are under a lot of pressure.

Short break fostering means that the caregivers can have some time to themselves to catch up on sleep, chores and relax whilst the child still gets the support, love and care they need. Plus, if the caregiver also has other children, it allows them to spend some time with them.

This type of care is extremely important for the well-being of many families and can make a real, positive difference to the child’s life. It helps to keep families happy, stress-free and stable, allowing parents or caregivers time to “recharge”. 

Why become a short break foster parent? 

Short break foster care is temporary care, and so it can be a great way for new carers to get comfortable with the role. It’s a fantastic way to build your confidence and learn more about being a foster parent. Also, as short break care is flexible, it’s a great option for single people or those who work part-time. 

Furthermore, carers often care for the same child on a regular basis, perhaps on weekends or for a specified day a week. Even though this differs from full-time foster care where you care for a child 24/7, it still allows you to form a strong bond with a child and make a huge impact on their development. 

For children in short break care, they can often view visiting their foster family as a mini-holiday. It can be very exciting for them and they might see it as an adventure. It allows them to have different experiences and opportunities than they may not get at home and helps with their mental development. 

If you want to foster, short break fostering can be a great way to give something back to the community and play a crucial role in supporting a child with complicated needs and their family.

How to become a short break carer?

Short break foster carers go through the exact same assessment process as those looking to foster long-term or take on any type of fostering. All carers need to be aged over 21, have a spare bedroom and meet the requirements to foster such as having enough time in your life to commit to caring for a child. You will be supported by one of our link workers throughout your entire application and throughout your time as a carer with us. 

To find out more about becoming a foster parent with Family Fostering Partners, please get in contact to discuss options and find out more information. Please call 03300 948816, email info@familyfosteringpartners.co.uk or fill out our contact form.  

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