Attachment, understanding and managing behaviour
Attachment Level One – starts with ‘Gro Brain’ delivered by our experienced Gro Brain facilitators. Gro Brain gives foster parents a basic understanding of how a child’s experiences of relationships with their care givers plays a vital part in the ‘wiring’ of the child’s brain and especially their ability to manage stress, regulate emotions and develop higher cognitive functions.
Attachment Level Two – builds from the foundations 'Gro Brain' provides to explore at greater depth the impact of attachment on development.
Attachment Level Three – puts the knowledge learnt from the two previous courses into practice using ‘The Secure Base model’ of parenting developed by Gillian Schofield and Mary Beek, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (recommended as a basis for training foster carers in the Government White Paper, Care Matters (2007)).
The Secure Base model represents the processes involved in therapeutic reparenting for children who have been affected by abuse, neglect, separation and loss.