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Safeguarding programme

2-day Safeguarding - this course has been designed to convey key values and principles in the safeguarding of children from harm, abuse and neglect and to provide foster parents with the basic foundation knowledge for their role in caring for vulnerable children on behalf of the state.

Safe caring – safer caring is all about being risk sensible. This course explores how foster parents can safely parent the children in their care, as naturally as possible, whilst being aware of the risks involved for particular children in different situations.

SHADES -Safe Handling and De-escalation – this is a 2-day course provided by an external trainer that helps foster parents deal with challenging behaviour, keeping themselves and others safe.

2 day Online and Social Media Safety - this course deals with all of the areas of online networking, detailing the risks associated with each and providing useful and authoritative advice on how to prevent them.

Recording – recording and record-keeping supports the positive care of children and this course explains why it is critically important that foster parents write a record of their child’s day, when and what to record and how to do this using Family Fostering Partners’ electronic database.

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Family Fostering Partners?

Can I Foster Siblings With An Independent Fostering Agency

Unfortunately, there is a desperate need for more individuals and families to become foster parents. This is especially true when it comes to fostering siblings and finding a safe and nurturing home for more than one child. As an independent fostering agency, we work with every local authority across Wales…

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Foster Caring & Sustainability For Foster Family Agencies

Sustainability and reducing our environmental impact have become fundamental principles guiding many aspects of our lives. From corporate giants to individual households, the drive to reduce our environmental impact is growing. At Family Fostering Agency we’re acutely aware that our role in helping to care and shape future generations through…

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